Governance & Responsibilities
We are committed to the highest standards of integrity and ethics to ensure that every concern is investigated.

AJIYA Berhad (“Ajiya” or the “Company”) and its subsidiaries (the “Group) is committed to conduct its affairs in an ethical, responsible and transparent manner. The group is also committed to persent accurate and factual financial information to guide the Board, its shareholders and investors in making informed decision. Recognizing the above mentioned values, AJIYA provides avenue for all employees and associates to report any improoer conduct within AJIYA.
This primary purpose of this policy is to govern the reporting and handling of wrongdoing in the Group. This policy does not replace the Company’s existing policy for handling employee grievances or similar complaints but to facilitate employees and associates to report suspected and/or known misconducts, wrongdoing, corruption and instances of fraud and abuse involving the resources of the Group.
Wrongdoing shall mean, but not limited to, reporting of fraudulent financial information, actual or suspected fraud, misappropriation of monies, misrepresentation, conceal facts or information with intention to mislead, violation of laws and regulations, endangerment of employees or public health and safety, violation of Company’s policies, taking or giving bribes, privileges and criminal offence.
The Company expects all parties to act in good faith and have reasonable grounds when making a report. If allegations are made with malicious intent, the Company will take appropriate action against the parties concerned including legal action, where applicable.
Every effort will be made to treat the whistleblower’s identity with appropriate regard for confidentiality. The identity of a subject will be maintained in confidence to the extent possible given the legitimate needs of law and the investigation. The Group is obligated to reveal confidential information relating to a whistle-blowing report if ordered to do so by a court of law.
In addition, employee who whistles blows internally will also be protected against any adverse and detrimental actions for disclosing any improper conduct committed or about to be committed within the Group, to the extent reasonably practicable, provided that the disclosure is made in good faith.
The protection will be revoked under the following circumstances, among others:-
The whistleblower participated in the improper conduct
The whistleblower willfully discloses a false statement
The disclosure is made with malicious intent
Any anonymous disclosure will not be entertained. Any employee associates who wishes to report improper conduct is required to disclose his identity (name, IC and contact details) to the Company in order for the Company to accord the necessary protection to him. However, the Company reserves its right to investigate into any anonymous disclosure.
- The whistleblower should report the suspected or instances of wrongdoing to the Internal Audit Coordinator.
- Disclosures can be made via the following channel:-
by email to :
Ms Eyo Geak Loo, Internal Audit Coordinator ajiyawb@ajiya.comby post to :
Internal Audit Coordinator
Ajiya Berhad
Lot 153, Kawasan Perindustrian, Jalan Genuang, 85000 Segamat, Johor.The report should be sealed in an envelope indicating “Private and Confidential”
- The report must be in writing, to ensure that there is a clear understanding about the issues raised.
All disclosures made herein should contain the following information:• details of the person involved;• details of allegation– nature of the allegation;– where and when the alleged misconduct/wrongdoing took place;• other relevant information; and• supporting evidence if available - The whistleblower may seek follow up information about the outcome of the investigation subject to legal limitation.
- All investigations shall be tabled to the Audit Committee of the Board that has the authority to ensure effective implementation of the Whistleblower Policy. The Audit Committee shall update the Board of Directors on reports that require their attention and approval.
This policy is approved and adopted by the Board. The Board shall periodically review this Policy to ensure its effectiveness and appropriateness.