Governance & Responsibilities
Code of Ethics and Conduct

Ajiya Berhad (“Ajiya” or the “Company”) has established the following Code of Ethics and Conduct (“Code”) for the Directors and employees of the Company and its subsidiaries (the “Group”). This Code set out the principles and standards of business ethics and conduct of the Group.
2.1 This Code is formulated to emphasize the Group’s commitment to ethic conduct and compliance with legislation, regulations, environmental and social responsibility governing the Group.
2.2 This Code provide guidance for proper standards of ethical conduct and sound and prudent business practices for Directors and employees based on principles of integrity, responsibility, trust, discipline and diligence.
2.3 This Code is designed to enhance the standard of corporate governance and corporate behaviour with the intention to uphold the spirit of professionalism, objectivity, transparency, and accountability.
3.1 Duty of Care and Diligence
All Directors and employees shall at all times exercise his powers for a proper purpose and in good faith in the best interest of the Company. He/she shall exercise reasonable, skill and diligence with the knowledge, skill and experience which may reasonably be expected from him/her.
3.2 Confidential Information
Directors and employees must exercise caution to safeguard any information of a confidential and sensitive nature relating to the Group which is acquired in the course of employment. They are strictly prohibited from making them public or divulge to any person, unless the disclosure is duly authorised or legally mandated.
3.3 Inside Information and Securities Trading
Director and employees shall not use the price sensitive non-public information which can affect the prices of the securities of the Company (“Inside Information “) for personal gain. Director and employees are prohibited to provide Inside Information to public to trade in securities of the Company until and unless the Inside Information is publicly released.
3.4 Compliance Obligation
Directors and employees shall always observe and ensure compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations to which they are bound to observe in the performance of their duties, including the Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act, Personal Data Protection Act and Competition Act, as well as the Group’s Standard Policy and Procedures and Employee Handbook.
3.5 Environment and Social Responsibilities
The Group conducts operation in a manner that protects the environment and conserves valuable materials. The Group is committed to preserving the environment by implementing environmental-friendly practices in our operations. Employees should minimize the use of scarce natural resources, including water, energy and paper usage.
The Group constantly uphold our corporate social responsibilities as we strive to scale greater heights. We strive to be socially responsible persons or Company by supporting life-changing causes and efforts, in the arena of education, community and health, in addition to preserving the environment.
3.6 Fair and Courteous Behaviour
All employees should treat each other fairly and courteously without regard to race, religion, gender, nationality and disability. Employees should respect the personal dignity, privacy and rights of each individual and shall not in any way cause or create any form of discrimination or prejudice in the work place.
3.7 Health and Safety
The Group will with its best endeavours to ensure a safe workplace and maintain proper occupational health and safety practices. It is the responsibility of every employee to adhere to the prescribed safety rules and regulation as well as to raise concerns on any potential threat to health and safety and any unsafe work practices or conditions.
3.8 Company’s Fund, Assets & Information Resources
The Company’s fund, assets and resources should be managed in a manner which protects their values and safeguarded from loss, theft, waste or misappropriation.
Directors and employees must protect the fund, assets and resources to ensure they are used for legitimate business purpose and that no fund, assets or information shall be used for personal gain.
All information and communications technology resources including hardware and software developed for the Group are the property of the Group. All rights to such programs reside exclusively with the Group. Programs licensed by suppliers should be treated as private and confidential trade secret, not to be used or disclosed to outsiders.
3.9 Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption
Any form of bribery is not tolerated, including receiving and offering of personal gifts and any other form of benefits. Directors and employees must not put themselves in an obligated or compromised position in any business dealing. Among others, Directors and employees should not accept gifts from vendors, suppliers, contractors, transporters and other parties that may influence any decision making process in Ajiya. Any gift received must be declared to the Human Resource & General Admin Dept.
Directors and employees must comply strictly all provisions of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act (MACC) 2009 including any amendment thereof and all applicable laws, rules and regulations.
3.10 Anti-Money Laundering
Directors and employees must not tolerate any form of money laundering activities and shall comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations in any jurisdictions regarding anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism financing, and their enactment.
4.1 General Guidance
- Directors and Key Senior Management should avoid involving themselves in situation or transaction that may create, directly or indirectly a conflict between their personal interest and the interest of the Group as a whole.
- Conflict of interest may arise either directly involving the Directors/Key Senior Management, or indirectly with person related to the Directors/Key Senior Management (family members or business associates).
- Conflict of interest is not limited to financial interest but also non-financial interest, directly involving the person, or indirectly with someone related to the person (family member or business associate) where:
- the interests of the person interfere, or appear to interfere, with the interests of the Group or,
- the person’s personal interest make him/her difficult to perform his or her role objectively and effectively.
The judgement or actions in the best interest of the Group will be unduly influenced by the person’s personal interest.
4.2 Dealing With Conflicts Of Interest
- Directors and Key Senior Management are under a continuing obligation to disclose any conflict of interest that arose, may arise or persist to ensure the Group’s interests as a whole are being protected.
- Directors and Key Senior Management are required to comply with the following measures in managing the conflict of interest:
- Disclosure and notification to the Company Secretary the nature and extent of conflict of interest as soon as practicable after the relevant facts have come to the knowledge of the said persons, by completing the “Conflict of Interest Disclosure” form.
- Restricting participation of the said person from meeting (management, committee, board or general meeting where applicable) deliberating on matters relating to the said conflict of interest and to abstain himself from voting.
- Regular updates from the said Director or Key Senior Management any change in the situation of existing Conflict of Interest declared earlier or any potential interest that may arise.
- Annual declaration by Directors during directors’ performance assessment.
- Undertaking an assessment on conflict of interest before new appointment of a Director and a restriction clause on conflict of interest to be stated in the employment letter of Key Senior Management.
- The Audit Committee shall review on quarterly basis, the “Conflict of Interest” situations that arose, persist or may arise together with the measures to resolve, eliminate or mitigate such conflicts.
All Directors and employees are governed by the Code and all applicable terms and regulations. Any known or suspected unethical behavior are to be reported to the Human Resource and General Admin Dept. Investigation and appropriate action will be taken in the event of any violations of this Code.
The Board has the authority to review the Code from time to time to ensure its appropriateness and relevancy. The Code is available for reference in the Company’s website at